This photo popped up on my Facebook. We used to hang out at Shangri-La Hotel for afternoon coffees. Here we are, busy changing diapers for Fei and he quietly adds sugar syrup to the latte. Great memory, I love you, boy.
We are at the Children’s A&E now. He is swelling under the ear. The doctor suspects that he has Mumps. I doubt it because he has this before and the swelling subsided a few hours later. Seems like the lymph nodes activated for defences.
As Mumps is highly contagious, we are being isolated. Awaiting the doctor’s review. He brought along a Beyblade comic book.
Yay! The last vaccination for Box. We couldn’t be happier, making extra trips outside out already hectic schedule. Plus, it’s the Covid era, it’s best to avoid medical centres as much as we can.
Stats for Box:
W: 12.9 KG
H: 90.5 CM
HD: 49.5 CM
Stats for Abby:
W: 17.7 KG
H: 104 CM
Shortly after this photo was taken, she got smacked in the face by Box, for sitting on the seesaw. Both children made it back home alive.
The 2 older boys got through the 1st week of school, no major mess, no drama. Hence, Mum decided that a celebratory meal at Crystal Jade is warranted.
Gosh... Box is starving. He’s wolfing down his food at a speed unseen before. Looks like everyone is happy to be here.
At every visit to Crystal Jade VivoCity, they never fail to run amok outside the restaurant.I won’t be surprised if we get Stomp 1 of these days.
After food, we made our final stop and secondary objective of being at VivoCity, The Library.